This conference brought together network operators, engineers, and professionals from various industries to share their knowledge and experiences on network technologies and operations. As a leading provider of connectivity solutions, X86 Network was proud to be a part of this conference and help drive the conversation forward.
X86 Network had the privilege of supporting the 9th annual Malaysia Network Operators Group (MyNOG) conference as a diamond sponsor. This conference brought together network operators, engineers, and professionals from various industries to share their knowledge and experiences on network technologies and operations. The conference had a diverse range of topics that catered to the different interests of the attendees.
X86 Network’s support for MyNOG-9 was crucial in ensuring the success of the conference. As a diamond sponsor, X86 Network provided financial support, which helped cover the costs of the conference. This support allowed the organizers to focus on providing quality content and ensuring that attendees had a great experience. Overall, this conference was an excellent opportunity for network professionals to come together and engage in meaningful conversations about the future of network technologies in Malaysia.
X86 Network is proud to be the Diamond Sponsor for the MYNOG-9 and it ended in a very positive vibe!

X86 Network also had a booth at the event where attendees could learn more about the company’s network solutions. The booth was staffed by X86 Network’s experienced professionals, who were available to answer questions and provide insights on our connectivity solutions.

Furthermore, X86 Network also gave a presentation on “Data Centre Interconnect (DCI) with X86’s DCI Solution” during the conference. The presentation was well-received, and it provided valuable insights into the latest trends of the data centre interconnect.
X86 Network’s support for this conference was more than just a sponsorship. It was a testament to company’s commitment to the network community in Malaysia. X86 Network has been providing network solutions to businesses in Malaysia for many years and has established a strong reputation for its reliability and expertise. The company’s support for MyNOG-9 was a way for X86 Network to give back to the community and help drive the conversation forward on network technologies and operations. X86 Network believes in the importance of collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and MyNOG is an excellent platform for this.
The event was a success, thanks to all the attendees and sponsors. MyNOG-9 provided an excellent platform for network professionals to connect, learn, and collaborate in network industries and operations.

See you at MyNOG-10!